Our Grand Knight visitied St. Gerard on February 23rd to present them with a donation check for $3250.00. The donation included $2500.00 from the council and an additioanl $750.00 from an anonymous donner. St Gerard efforts focus on assisting pregnant teenagers and unwed mothers and to provide assistance and referrals for medical care, educational needs, or job services to all women, regardless of age, marital status, race or religion is noteworthy. Saint John Paul II Council’s donation will go a long way in meeting their clients needs especially in the continuing environment of covid19. They were extremely grateful for our support.”
Rosaries For UF
Saint John Paul II Council Grand Knight, Clyde Slick presenting Father David Ruchinski with 120 orange and blue macramé rosaries so graciously made by the Saint John Paul II Rosary Ministry. This effort started with the council members approving a donation to the rosary ministry to help pay for the materials to make the rosaries. Father David is not only the Pastor of St Augustine Catholic Church in Gainesville, Florida but oversees the Catholic Student Center. His efforts at the center are simply a blessing for our Catholic faith by administering to the Catholic students attending the University of Florida. The good news story which we never hear is there is a vibrant and growing Catholic student population at the university. May God bless Father David and his work at the Catholic Student Center.