Cross, Flag, Sword, and Jewels of Office Newly elected officers wait for installation to begin Outgoing FN Dan Swing opening Installation Ceremony Faithful Friar blessing Jewels of Office DD Bill Kelly presenting Faithful Friar Jewel to Deacon Tony (Standing in for Father Pagano) Tom Ballweg being instructed by DD Kelly on duties as Faithful Comptroller Bob Foss, Bob Conlon and Mark Van Engelen Tim Jones being instructed by DD Kelly on duties as Faithful Scribe Jim Rispoli being instructed by DD Kelly on duties as Faithful Purser Officers taking oath Mark Van Engelen – Faithful Navigator (Christine Kelly stand-in) Bob Conlon – Faithful Captain receiving Jewel of Office Bob Foss – Faithful Pilot receiving Jewel of Office Tom Ballweg and Gearin Faithful Comptroller receiving Jewel of Office Tim Jones and Allison Faithful Scribe receiving Jewel of Office Jim Rispoli and Vicky – Faithful Purser receiving Jewel of Office Jorge Galaraza and Alexandria (stand-in) receiving Jewel of office Bob Mollica and Christine (stand-in) receiving Jewel of Office Clyde Slick Trustee John Scalamandre and daughter – Trustee receiving Jewel of Office Dan Swing Faithful Admiral Jewel Presentation by Pat Swing FN Mark Van Engelen post installation comments The officers present at installation All present at Installation
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